Welcome to the Harbour v. California Health & Wellness Plan Class Action Website.
Your legal rights are affected whether you act or don’t act. Read this website and the Notice carefully.
Benefit Distribution Update:
- Cash Benefit Payments distribution by EpiqPay email began on April 12, 2024
- Credit Monitoring Benefits distribution by email began on March 27, 2024
A Settlement has been proposed in a class action lawsuit against Health Net, LLC, Health Net of California, Inc., Health Net Life Insurance Company, Health Net Community Solutions, Inc., California Health & Wellness Plan, Accellion, Inc., and Centene Corporation (collectively, “Health Net Defendants”), relating to a data breach that Health Net Defendants announced on March 24, 2021, whereby on or around January 20-22, 2021, an unauthorized user may have accessed certain Health Net Defendants’ members’ information on the FTA platform, including addresses, dates of birth, Social Security numbers, insurance identification numbers, and health information (the “FTA Data Breach”). The FTA Data Breach was part of the breach involving Accellion, Inc.’s (“Accellion”) file transfer product called the File Transfer Appliance (FTA).
If you received a notice from the Health Net Defendants that your personal information was compromised as a result of the FTA Data Breach, you are included in this Settlement as a member of the Settlement Class.
Under the Settlement, the Health Net Defendants have agreed to establish a $10 million Settlement Fund to:
- pay for three years of credit monitoring and insurance services (“Credit Monitoring and Insurance Services”); or
- provide cash payments of up to $10,000 per Class Member for reimbursement of certain Documented Losses (“Documented Loss Payment”); or
- provide cash payments to Class Members (“Cash Fund Payment”). The Settlement Fund will also be used to pay for the costs of the settlement administration, court-approved attorneys’ fees and expenses, and Service Payments for named Plaintiffs. In addition, the Health Net Defendants have agreed to undertake certain remedial measures and enhanced security measures that they will continue to implement.